Tuesday, August 2, 2011

End of Summer Bucket List

As many times as I've thought about how close fall weather is...I've also thought about what I want to do with the rest of my summer. I've thought of a bunch of little things here & there and now it's time to document these ideas so I can't forget! I decided these things my End of Summer Bucket List. I need to do some of these things a few more times before it gets cool and some of these things I need to figure out a way to squeeze it at least once.

{Just hang out}

{Try more yummy drink recipes}

{Roast marshmallows...and grill out....and go camping}

{Eat more summer specific foods...before
it's too late and while they're extra yummy!

{Take more pictures...better pictures...more sunset pictures!}

{Ride a ferris wheel...go to the carnival}
All photos via Pinterest
Do you have a list? Have you been working on yours all summer? What would you like to do?


Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Such a great end of summer list! I also plan on doing more relaxing and trying to make some yummy drink..OH and I still need to roast marshmallows :)

Jessica Lynn said...

my summer bucket list is still pretty long and its making me nervous as summer is slipping thru my fingers! good luck with your list!

Ashley @ The Sweet Life said...

Thanks for stopping by! I've managed to get through some of these :)