Friday, September 2, 2011

10 Day Challenge~7 Wants

Happy Friday! Today is the start of a long weekend and I couldn't be happier! Time to relax, visit with friends, go to the pool, cookout and visit the cabin are in my future! Have fun everyone :)

1.) I want more photography practice! I wish I had more people to shoot and more time to dedicate towards it.

2.) In addition, I want more time to dedicate towards crafting so that I can have my own Etsy shop. That would be a dream come true :)

3.) I want a puppy that stays a puppy forever! But, who doesn't?

4.) I want to wear a new outfit everyday. I love the feeling of wearing something that is new, in style and that makes me feel great!

5.) I want all of my friends and family to live close to one another. I miss the days when everyone was right down the street from one another!

6.) I want to travel more. I would prefer to go somewhere new at least once a month (short trip) and somewhere semi-far away every 6 months or so. I looove to travel!

7.) Honestly, I want to want less! I have been doing really well with that because I have been cutting back spending lately, but I still have the urge quite frequently to just get something. I guess I get a thrill out of buying things (clothes mostly :)).

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