
Friday, February 1, 2013

Mixed Nuts

Today is a very mixed-nuts kinda know, a little of this, a little of that. I know I don't have to keep explaining it to you {my lovely readers}, but I have had a hard time lately with making time for this ol' blog. It's not that I don't care, it's just hard to set aside time in the evenings. That time of the day is spent working on stuff around the house, spending time with Ryan, and planning a wedding! I'm sure y'all understand! 
Onto bigger and better topics.
Wanna know something? Although I don't get around to blogging about my own life enough, I DO read everyone else's posts. I use Google reader, Blogger's dashboard, and I have twitter. So, your posts are front and center just about everyday.

Speaking of which, I want to share my favorite posts from around the blog world from the last few days.

Gotta love a good fashion post...especially during award season...especially from Sami!

A sweet post about making bloggy friends! {and an awesome Friends GIF}

Finally, someone else who LOVES the Kate Spade MRS necklace..and who thinks it's way too damn expensive!

Red Velvet puppy chow?! Don't mind if I do!

I love seeing other people's DIY projects in progress. 

Jayme has some great Valentine gift ideas for the guys!

Lastly, I am just loving Ruthie's baby week! 
They just found out they are expecting and she has been sharing their story with us everyday this week!

Happy Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. When I was planning a wedding I rarely had time to blog. I am so jealous of those who seem to be able to always fit it in...


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