
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wedding Wednesday {bridal shower}

Happy Wednesday! 
I'm back with a little wedding business to keep you company on this hump day. Heaven knows it's the only thing that occupies my mind when I'm not busy with work or the boys!

This week's wedding topic is the front runner in my mind lately. 
The bridal shower. 
Over the last few weeks I've been ironing out details with my momma and MOH. It's been fun and a little stressful (if I'm being honest). I'm under strict orders NOT to stress, but it's just in my blood. 
Some shower inspiration via Pinterest!

Jess {the MOH} and I have been talking about decorations, style, the color theme, and the menu. The other day we were talking about how Southern women love throwing a good bridal shower. This then took our conversation in a different direction all together...what do NON-SOUTHERN women do for bridal showers. Neither of us could even think of a bridal shower that we had heard of that wasn't a "southern" one. 
Do northerners do bridal showers? Am I just spacing out here?
Are you from a northern or western or eastern state (aka non-southern)? What did you do for your shower? Or, what is the norm for a shower in your family or area? I'd LOVE to know! It's really interesting to me that families and regions celebrate in different ways!


  1. I'm from the NE. NY to be specific. We do bridal showers here too. Sometimes they are HUGE at a place where you can actually have a wedding (since no one's house is that big) or you can have it at a restaurant if they do that kind of thing or like I did, had it at a VFW. I wish I could say "my girls" or my mom or whoever threw me an awesome shower, but it was all my husband who mainly did it. I thank him.

  2. I'm from Ohio, lived in DC, and now live in Chicago. Bridal showers are everywhere! haha I've been to many at people's homes, usually hosted by a family member or friend. In our family the godmother hosts usually, but I know many people have multiple showers. I'm not sure what mine will entail and if I will have more than one, but I won't lie to you, I wouldn't mind having mine at a nice bar!


Pour your heart out :) I love hearing from you!