
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

So What Wednesday

Happy Hump Day ladies! Another middle of the week celebration is happening around here. Another countdown to a great weekend is also happening. What are you looking forward to this weekend? We are traveling to my hometown to visit with family and shower two mommas with baby gifts for their cutie pies [one baby's already here and one will be here any minute!].
To get through the hump day, I'm linking up
with Life After I Dew for another round of So What Wednesday.

So What--if I want to buy every single item in this post and then gift it to my best friend!

So What--if I turn every dress I have into 'work appropriate' with tights and a cardigan? They changed the dress code unexpectedly and I can't go buy a ton of dress pants
[nor do I want to ;)]

So What--if I 'm now failing miserably at the #JunePhotoChallenge. I must have jinxed myself!

So What--if I want to copy this outfit piece for piece. It's adorable!

So What--if we ate cereal for dinner last night.
That doesn't make me a bad soon-to-be-wife does it?

So What--I care waaaay too much what people thing about me. It's a life long habit.
Check out the rest of the So What Wednesday posts here!

P.s. Happy first day of SUMMER!


  1. I love this post! I eat cereal for dinner all the time and I definitely wear casual dresses to work with a cardigan or a blazer.

    Penniless Socialite

  2. they changed the dress code on me at work too so that means I have to wear TOMS every single day, they are the only shoe that covers up my foot tats. Oh well! One for one, right? hahah

    Cereal for dinner isn't a bad thing... was it cinnamon toast crunch or peanut butter cheerios? Both of those are a blanced dinner I'm pretty sure (or are just my favs!) I never buy cereal because I'd eat it 3 meals a day. for real.

  3. This is a perfect post for the first day of summer!

  4. Haha, I'm with you on all of these! And yes that outfit is cute.


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