Happy Tuesday! Does anyone else think it should be Wednesday already? I'm not sure if it's because I'm so excited about this weekend, or just that Monday was so long?
This past weekend was so fun--hopefully I'll have a recap post up before the week is over. Are you getting excited about St. Patrick's day this weekend? What do you do to celebrate? I love having an excuse to get together with friends and just let loose :)
I'm blogging during my lunch break today, so this post will be short and sweet. Here's my currently list...
Currently I am...
Listening...to the printer on my desk. Eating lunch at your desk is lovely, I tell you :) I wish I was listening to music, but we aren't allowed to stream and ain't nobody got time for a dead iPhone battery.
Eating...leftovers from last night. Healthy wheat pasta and veggies. We are finally taking the extra steps to getting healthy in our house!
Drinking...Water! Trying to put down as much of that as possible during the day. No more sprite or tea.
Wearing...My trusty ol' black cardigan, black tights, and a bright pink skirt. Hello Spring! I'm also rocking my fave black wedges.
Feeling...Happily overwhelmed. Everything is just so busy, but I am not letting it totally take over mentally. I am happy that time seems to be moving quickly lately (I can't wait to be a Mrs.!), but it seems everyone else is equally as busy. I miss the slowed down version of life...and I definitely miss my closest friends.
Wanting...The weekend to get here! I can't wait to get out of town for a bit, catch up with my BFF and have a fun time with our friends (and celebrate St. Patty's day!).
Thinking...About my favorite people. I have had some bride guilt lately. Lately a LOT of what I think/talk about revolves around the wedding (naturally, unfortunately), and I hate that I might have forgotten that other people have lives too. If I have talked your ear off about the wedding and forgotten to ask how YOU were, I apologize.
Enjoying...The sunshine! I love that I have a window right in front of my desk, so I get to see the sunshine (but also the rain, when it's here). It helps make the day enjoyable :)
Thankful For...My friends and family--they've done so much for my sanity over the last few months. AND My time with Ryan everyday. After our pre-marital counseling I really felt closer to him. It's strange how little things like that can make a big difference.
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