
Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Ryan, You are officially a Homebrewer! Your first batch was delicious and even better than you expected---go you!! 

Dear Adulthood, You. Are. Awesome. Sometimes you just need to eat like a kid to cheer yourself up. Or after a long day at work. OR when you don't feel good. Or ALL THE TIME. :)
Best dinner ever.
Dear Weekend, I am SO beyond excited to have a few days to slow down and relax. This week at work was a complete whirlwind!! 

Dear Bachelorette Party, You are going to be amazing!! I can't wait to spend the weekend in Chicago with lots of my favorite people!!

Dear Tennessee, You are beautiful. I love Nashville so much! That is all.

Dear Ryan, I hope you're ready for all of the almost-husband comments that are bound to be made over the next 99 days!
(Can you believe it's getting so close!?!)

Dear Almost Husband, See I told you! You're my favorite :)

Dear Pup, You're too stinkin' cute for your own good.
Also, please stop farting when we have company. 

Dear Future Sister In Law, You make bomb dot com cookies! Thank you for sending a sweet treat our way for Valentine's Day :)

Dear GIFs, You can make any day better.
Case in point.
Happy Friday!
Check out the rest of the Friday's Letters {here}.

1 comment:

  1. awww I love all these pics! I love TN too and those cookies look delish!


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