
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekend Recap {grandma style}

Well, hello Sunday night. I didn't see you there. 
This weekend absolutely flew by and I'm not terribly happy about it. As I write this I am spending only 20% of my energy typing...the other 80% is spent struggling to keep my eyes open, attempting to add addresses to a wedding spreadsheet, tuning out the television so I can think straight, and keeping up with the Golden Globe buzz. I can't really complain about all of this, but to be truthful all I want to do is watch Downton Abbey and go to sleep! 

Yes, I am fully aware that I sound like a grandma! We've been so busy lately with wedding planning, getting settled into our new place, keeping up with projects, and normal life stuff that I just want to spend a whole weekend sleeping. [insert Snooki whine here] It's a tough life, huh? 

Another reason I want to spend lots of time won't stop raining here!
Ryan made the pup a poncho since it's been raining so much! He didn't hate it.

Now, to prove to you that I'm not a total grandma....
here are some pictures from our weekend.
Our desks aren't completely finished, but they are on their way! {excuse the mess}
I added this baby to my desk this weekend.  I'm using it for our wedding invitation maps.
We went out with a few friends on Saturday to enjoy the amazing weather!
We had some delicious food and enjoyed listening to our wedding musician.
A new beer that I tried the other night. It was quite sweet!
Homemade Crunchwrap Supremes that turned out REALLY well!
Lunch with Ryan's granny. Spring mix with gorgonzola cheese and pears?
Count me in!
You see, I'm not a total snore ;)
One last thing we did this weekend....Ryan and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! 5 down and a lifetime to go!


  1. I love woodchuck cider. happy anniversary!

  2. 1) those new desks are sweet
    2) that poncho for tigerman is probably the best thing i've seen all week...if not ever.
    3) you should post the recipe for that crunchwrap--it looks delish.
    4) Happy Anniversary!


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