
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bridier Baubles [Review]

Let me start this off by saying one thing...

I lusted after a Bridier Baubles bracelet for ages. Just ask the boy--I went back and forth, back and forth, back and...well, you get the point. I couldn't decide which one I wanted, and despite what I hoped the boy would say, I couldn't get them all. Boo.
In comes Kerry. Kerry is the heart and soul of Bridier Baubles. She runs the show, and a good one at that! I just happened to catch a tweet [I think] that mentioned trying out her products or hosting a giveaway. You can guess how quick I was to jump at that opportunity! 
I'm happy to say that I'm the proud new owner of a beautiful Cisco Cuff!
The packaging itself was fun to get! 
[And yes, I took these pictures in my car cause I couldn't wait to open the package!]
See! The packaging was so fun.
It was love at first sight!
 I have seriously worn my bracelet everyday since getting it. It's actually great for pulling a little bit of gold together with the silver I wear everyday. I love them both, but sometimes it's hard to wear them at the same time. This bracelet, or any of the Cisco Cuffs, is a perfect solution.
See the bit of gold around the edges? Perfect!!
I couldn't say enough about the bracelet. All I know is that I can't wait to grab another. 
I've got my eye on the Cisco Cuff Hook or the Turquoise Cisco Cuff.

Alright, now it's your turn! Go visit Kerry!

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  1. Oh my goodness, SO adorable. I've never heard of them before. Must-buy!


    Keep Shining,

  2. all I can say is.. I WANT!

    With Love, Caitlyn

  3. Very cute!! Love those bracelets!


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