Thursday, December 1, 2011


I'm too cold for my brain to function properly today! I have been keeping my hands warm by wrapping them around my coffee mug, but it's only helping while my cup is full....and if I drink another cup, I'll be bouncing off of the walls! No one wants that : ) So, I thought I'd share my currently list....I got the idea from Danielle on Sometimes Sweet.

Working on: Work stuff. And ideas for Christmas presents. Little kids are hard to figure out!

Thinking about: Moving. And seeing friends. And the future. I can’t wait to move closer to my job! The commute will be a million times better and I won’t be as stressed about that little part of my life. And I wish I could see my Louisville friends more. I really miss them, especially around this time of year. Can’t wait to see them again! Annnd the future...well, there’s so much to think about! I want to do so much with myself, but it’s hard to decide which direction to go!

Obsessing over: A spat that Ryan and I had this morning. I hate getting upset in the morning…especially at Ryan…especially when we’re apart for the whole day afterwards. I don’t feel like I can really get over it until I see him again and give him a hug or kiss. Boo.

Anticipating: The day that I don't freak out about the little things. I'm emotional about everything lots of things and I know it frustrates people. I try to stay cool (as cucumbers!), but it's not my style. Sigh. One day?

Listening to: Work noise. I should have my earbuds in playing Pandora, but I always forget to listen to it at work.

Drinking: Coffee. Gotta stay warm! Brrr.

Wishing:  It was 5 o'clock. Or Friday. I'd be happy with either : )

I also wish I was wearing this outfit today. It would improve my mood by, like, a million points. I wore something similar yesterday and it was perfect. I love sweaters and boots! Plus, they keep me warm : )



MacKensie said...

I love when you put little outfits together! So cute! Stay warm! :)



erica said...

I love those earrings! Fabulous outfit! xo