
Monday, October 24, 2011

Blogger Field Trip : A Blonde Ambition

Here we are, starting another week. Does anyone else feel like its still August? I can hardly believe it’s almost November…almost the end of 2012! (Speaking of that…I need to post by 12 by 2012 list…only 68 days to go!)
Today is the second installment of my Blogger Field Trip "series" :) Today we're going to visit a blogger, Leslie, that has a lot to offer her readers by way of makeup tutorials, clothing inspiration, and cute hair tips!
As a girl that didn't grow up with sisters or many cousins near my age, I really had to figure out my style on my own. I've learned how to use others as inspiration and encouragement. Leslie is great about sharing fashion photos, ideas and tips (she even does personal styling as a side job-check it out here).
Leslie is a (very) recent newlywed so she has wedding info too! Check out her blog here and get some pointers for your style!
Isn't she adorable?

Would you take your readers on a field trip? If so, where would you take them?

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